Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lean on Me, Leech on Me

My departure from Bangkok was timely as I was ready to experience something outside of the backpacking district of the capital. The drive to the “resort” where we stayed this past week was about 7 hours from Bangkok in Khon Kaen, Provence. We left our computers to be brought to Khon Kaen University, so the week was entirely wireless and open for bonding.  Through many group meetings and activities we really started to work together as a group, finding our way each moment.  Whether we were transferring people through a web of string or discussing oppression, we leaned on each other through rougher moments and celebrated the positives together.  It seems like were are really forming a strong community, which is a main focus of the program both internally and within the villages we stay in.

On our way to the resort we stopped about half way through for a nature walk. By nature walk of course I mean sludging through mud in gaters (which are cloth coverings for your legs and feet because apparently there are leeches in the national park).  The scenery was absolutely gorgeous and followed by a delicious plate of kauw pad (fried rice).  As we went to get in the van though I noticed I was bleeding on my foot and so the med kit was grabbed so I could bandage my apparent leech wound. It wasn’t until we were ten minutes on to the road that I noticed I was bleeding on my thigh as well and friends from the back of the van simultaneously found a huge leech on the ground. I suppose I too am delicious. All is fine, the leech was killed and cleaned up and I was bandaged. Needless to say, mai pen rai (its all good/ no problem—and a popular Thai phrase at that).

We started Thai class this week, and wow is it a difficult language. Sure, they don’t have verb conjugations but they have tones for each word. Use the wrong tone, and it’s a different word. So although I will throw in some random Thai in these posts, it is not really helpful without audible dictation.

The final stop before coming to Khon Kaen University, and our apartments was a homestay in a weaving village. I was with one other girl, and together we MAYBE understood 10%. Communication was not easy, and all our Meh (mom) wanted to do was feed us and have us take an abb naam (shower). However, in the course of 24 hours we has a fresh coconut and grapefruit picked off a tree for us, ate fresh peanuts, I was attacked by my host mom with baby powder (which has the affect of icy-hot here), and helped farm rice, pulling up the plants in the paddy. Before we left, a few of us spent a few hours playing with the kids at school. My favorite game was their version of duck duck goose that involves a shirt instead of patting heads and a very catchy song. We were running around, slipping on the dirt, and finally “communicating” with Thais.
It has been a long week, filled with surprises and adventure. I finally have met my roommate and moved in, and she is so cool. She is an English major, so communication is fairly simple. We were welcomed last night through a traditional Thai welcoming ceremony and we have a short weekend break before heading off to the Railroad community on Sunday.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Take Off Your Shoes, and Wai 3 Times

So after 28 hours of travel (40 if you include time change) I arrived in Bangkok! The van ride to the hotel was filled with zoning out, but the street where the Red Shirts rioted last summer was pointed out, and it is covered in twinkle lights at night! So pretty!!! Needless to say, I went right to sleep (hopefully i'll start sleeping through the night soon) and woke up the next morning to start the adventure.

We had a general orientation meeting, which was a nice introduction to the other students and the course. And then we were set free for lunch. Oh my goodness are the streets crazy. We are staying in the backpacking district, so there are food carts EVERYWHERE- just a matter of finding things I can eat. Luckily, there is a girl who was with us who is ethnicallt Thai, so she served as out translator. Veggie dumplings-YUM!

Later we walked to the Royal Palace and got a tour. I have never seen so many jewled buildings in my life. Insane architecture mixed with a softspoken tour guide led to a disparity of the information I picked up. However, there are elephant gods that bring good luck, lots of respect to Buddha, and snakes with 5 heads that are protecting some of the temples. When we went into the temple to see Buddha, we had to take our shoes off outside and then enter the temple. There was holy water that you apply through a flower on your forehead and when you go in, you don't point your feet towards Buddha. Wai is when you brings your hands to your heart and bow, and for Buddah you Wai three times all the way down till your forehead almost touches the ground. You do this again before you leave as well.

Instead of taking a cab back, we walked around Bangkok and got lost for the first time! We had the business card of our hotel so it wasn't bad that we were wandering but there was one moment where we were in a shady fish market and next thing we knew we were behind shops in a scary alley. It all turned out fine though, got back to our block had dinner and then I crashed (to wake up 2 hours later and toss and turn). This morning we have a political lecture so needless to say I am excited. We leave Bankok tomorrow for a week of orientation and homestay, but i'll let you know how it goes as soon as I have access.